Comitê brasileiro da União para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN, a sigla em inglês), representado pela organização brasileira IMAFLORA, enviou carta, no dia 18 de setembro, para a nova presidência da rede.
Nela, o comitê congratula a nova presidência e agradece por terem sido recebidos em uma reunião especial em Marselha (França), na qual puderam partilhar ideias sobre o papel do Brasil na IUCN.

O Comitê brasileiro está ansioso pelo encontro com o conselheiro da IUCN no Brasil, por ser uma oportunidade de entender melhor o contexto da América do Sul e, mais especificamente, do Brasil.
Haverá um encontro regional da IUCN na América do Sul em país a ser definido ainda. O Comitê dá a ideia de realizar o encontro regional e o encontro de conselheiros na mesma ocasião e local.
Leia a carta na íntegra, que está em inglês:
On behalf of Brazilian national Committee, we congratulate you again for being elected as our president in the IUCN. Also, I would like to thank you so much for such a special meeting we hold in Marsella sharing some ideas about IUCN and the role of Brazil (attached pictures).
We were very excited to hold one meeting of the counselors in Brazil as were suggested in this meeting. It will be a fantastic opportunity for board members to better understand the context of South America and more specifically of Brazil. We will have the South America regional meeting next year. The host country has not yet been defined. One possibility is to hold the regional meeting and councilors meeting at the same time and place. Naturally, each meeting with its own independent agendas, but with some moments of interaction both to discuss IUCN issues and regional context and also potentially some activities in the field. Just an idea to be considered and of course to discuss with our director Gabriel and all secretariat team and members of south America.
Count on us to help organize this and anything that we can contribute as members and as a national committee.
We keep in touch.