“O Bank Information Center (BIC), organização independente da sociedade civil sem afiliação ao Banco Mundial, condena veementemente a indicação pelo governo brasileiro do Sr. Abraham Weintraub como Diretor Executivo do Banco Mundial para o Brasil e outros oito países”. Assim inicia a nota da organização não governamental dos Estados Unidos, que também aponta os “comentários ofensivos que depreciam os Povos Indígenas” e que “permitir que um governo use uma nomeação para uma posição do Banco Mundial como uma maneira de fugir da justiça cria um precedente incrivelmente perigoso”.
Por isso, pede uma manifestação do Comitê de Ética e da Diretoria Executiva.
Leia a Nota na íntegra em inglês a seguir:
Statement on the Appointment of Abraham Weintraub as Executive Director for Eds15 at the World Bank
The Bank Information Center (BIC), an independent civil society organization with no affiliation with the World Bank, strongly condemns the appointment by the Brazilian government of Mr. Abraham Weintraub as the Executive Director to the World Bank for Brazil and the other eight countries in its constituency.
Mr. Weintraub does not have the support of Brazilian civil society, which has spoken out vehemently against his appointment. He is currently under investigation by the Brazilian judiciary for allegations of misconduct and racism, behavior that is antithetical to the mission and the work of the World Bank. In particular, his offensive comments disparaging Indigenous Peoples is inconsistent with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESS), including ESS7 on Indigenous Peoples that states as a primary objective “To ensure that the development process fosters full respect for the human rights, dignity, aspirations, identity, culture, and natural resource based livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples”. In a time when the World Bank is playing a critical role in an inclusive and sustainable COVID-19 response, it needs a Board that recognizes the inherent value of all communities impacted by World Bank finance.
Additionally, Mr. Weintraub’s appointment to the World Bank Executive Director position, and swift trip to Washington, appears to have been an attempt to circumvent the investigations into his conduct currently underway. Allowing a government to use an appointment to a World Bank position as a way to evade justice sets an incredibly dangerous precedent.
While BIC recognizes that the decision of whether to appoint Mr. Weintraub to the Executive Director position is solely that of the constituent governments, it is critical that the Ethics Committee and the Board of Executive Directors hold Mr. Weintraub accountable for adherence to the Code of Conduct of the Board Officials. As the World Bank works to support borrowers in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical that the Bank work to prevent governments.