
Poetic Narratives of Researchers in Brazil’s Pantanal: Tessitures of Experiences Lived

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O artigo “Poetic Narratives of Researchers in Brazil’s Pantanal: Tessitures of Experiences Lived” (em português: “Narrativas poéticas de pesquisadores no Pantanal brasileiro: tessituras de experiências vividas”), escrito, entre outros autores, pelo diretor científico da Ecoa, Rafael Chiaravalloti, foi publicado hoje na revista internacional Springer Link.

O estudo tem por objetivo tratar de narrativas auto-etnográficas de dois pesquisadores, Maraíra Noal Manfroi e Rafael, que atuam no mesmo campo de pesquisa, o Pantanal Sul, bioma localizado no centro-oeste do Brasil, que vive um regime de cheias e secas.

A especialidade de Miraíra é a educação física, enquanto que a do Rafael é a biologia. Ambos passaram cinco horas em um barco até chegarem à comunidade estudada, onde tiveram diversas conversas. Os pesquisadores observaram sua própria humanidade assim como a de seus entrevistados.

Leia o abstract completo em inglês abaixo e acesse o artigo completo aqui.


The article intends to bring auto-ethnographic narratives from two researchers who share the same research field, Pantanal Sul. It is a biome located in the central-west region of Brazil, overcome by floods and droughts. It is in this scenario that we find ourselves. Miraíra’s educational background is in Physical Education, and Rafael in Biology. Miraíra has studied leisure, children and games, whereas Rafael has studied large mammals and local livelihoods. Both researchers happened to be in the same boat for 5 h before reaching the community under study, so they had time for many conversations. When they arrived at their destination, their eyes beheld the riverine people full of stories, gestures, and wisdom. Both recognized and honored the lives of each being who live on the banks of the Paraguay River. Every time they went up and down the river, they learned a little bit more. Over time, the opportunity arose to research together; they thought about itineraries, records, and how to get to the houses. There was always something different, as each house had its unique way of being. Here, a great opportunity was bestowed as they look at their own humanity as well as those they met. Leisure, work, games, and learning were all the composed elements, and when intertwined, they expanded their worldviews. Thus, inspired by Creative Analytic Practices, this topic is presented, sharing the narratives of the daily life of researching the Pantanal, which are usually only found between the lines of publications.


Foto de capa: Pantanal / Arquivo Ecoa.

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